
Thank you for your interest in a position at the Nevada Gaming Control Board!

This is the portal where you will complete the online job application.

**PLEASE NOTE** Progress for this application is not saved. Please be sure to complete the application in full and submit prior to navigating from or refreshing this page.

For assistance with this application please reach out to: gcbhr@gcb.nv.gov

Below you can find a checklist of information that is required to fill out this form in full.

  • Education: Information about High school, University/College, and/or Trade school(s)
  • Criminal history (if any)
  • Traffic violation history if position requires
  • Employment history

The Nevada Gaming Control Board is an equal opportunity employer.

Personal Information
Please enter personal information below.
* Indicates required field
Residence Address
Mailing Address
Phone *
Email *
Employment History
Please enter employment information below.
* Indicates required field
Do you have a driver's license?
Have you been employed in the past 5 years?
Please list each job (including current) held within the past five years.
Criminal History
Please enter criminal history information below.
* Indicates required field
Have you ever been convicted of: A misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor or felony (excluding juvenile adjudication)?
If yes, please provide a statement giving date(s), time(s), location(s), circumstance(s), and dollar amount of fine(s). Include any condition of your parole and/or probation, if applicable.

A moving traffic violation within the last five years?
If yes, please provide a statement giving date(s), time(s), location(s), circumstance(s), and dollar amount of fine(s). Include any condition of your parole and/or probation, if applicable. Moving traffic violations will only be considered if driving a vehicle is a job requirement.

The Gaming Control Board prohibits employees from receiving benefits from any person who owns or has a financial interest in, or is employed by, any person or entity involved in the cultivation or sale of marijuana, or any other business enterprise violating federal, state, or local law. Do you currently receive or do you anticipate receiving in the future, any benefit from any person, including a family member, who owns or has financial interest in, or is employed by, any person or entity involved in the cultivation or sale of marijuana or in any business enterprise violating federal, state, or local laws? If yes, please provide a statement explaining the benefit you or your family member(s) are deriving from anyone or any person operating a business in violation of federal, state, or local laws.


Thank you for applying to the Nevada Gaming Control Board!

You can go back to review your application and ensure all the information is correct.

Once you're ready, click the Submit button to complete your application.

By submitting, you confirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

To receive a PDF copy of your application, please enter an email below.

General Questions
Please answer general questions below.
* Indicates required field
Previous Applications
Work Locations
Job Conditions
PERS Participation
Other Questions
Please enter education information below.
* Indicates required field
Upload Attachments

Please upload your resume, cover letter, or any other supporting documentation.

Only the following file types are allowed: .PDF, .DOC, and .DOCX

Max file size 5MB. Limit 5 uploads.